Hosting a Party During COVID-19
It's been quite a year and a half for everyone. As we continue to re-open, everyone is trying to find safe and effective ways to entertain. Below are some tips on how to enjoy time spent with family and friends!
Have conversations with the host ahead of time to understand expectations for celebrating together.
Bring your own food, drinks, plates, cups, utensils, and condiment packets.
Wear a mask indoors and outdoors.
Avoid shouting, cheering loudly, or singing. Clap, stomp your feet or bring (or provide) hand-held noisemakers instead.
Stay home if you are sick or have been near someone who thinks they may have or have been exposed to COVID-19.
It's okay if you decide to stay home and remain apart from others.
The size of the event should be determined based on whether attendees from different households can stay at least 6 feet (2 arm lengths). Physical distancing at events can reduce transmission risks, such as blocking seats or modifying room layouts.
Source: CDC
What you should do if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19:
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
This list does not include all possible symptoms. CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19. Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness.
Source: CDC
One of my favorite items for planning my events is the foldable six foot measuring tape! It makes social distancing tables and chairs easier and it's more efficient than using your foot as a measuring tape!
My last suggestion would be to have a Sanitation Station at your party or event. Below are a few items you should include:
Disposable Masks
Hand Sanitizer
Disinfectant Wipes
Disinfectant Spray
Remember this is temporary and we will persevere!